首页> 中文期刊> 《经济理论与经济管理》 >银行业竞争、客户筛选与村镇银行二元绩效:传导机制与实证研究




村镇银行承担着支持“三农”和发展普惠金融的重要使命,但关于银行业竞争对村镇银行经营绩效的影响及其传导机制的研究较少。利用江苏省县域村镇银行2008年至2013年的面板数据,在数理模型分析的基础上实证检验了银行业竞争对村镇银行财务绩效和社会绩效的影响。结果表明,银行业竞争显著降低了村镇银行的财务绩效,但显著提升了社会绩效。进一步分析发现,银行业竞争通过改变村镇银行市场定位和客户筛选行为的作用机制,影响村镇银行经营绩效。因此,应坚持金融改革的市场化方向并建立更加精准的补贴机制,促进村镇银行在可持续发展的同时提升社会绩效。%This paper aims to study whether the improvements of competition degree in banking sector promote the running performance of rural banks.Basing on the panel data from 2008 to 2013 of rural banks in county fields of Jiangsu province,this paper tests the effect of banking competition on the rural bank�s financial performance and social performance.The empirical results show that banking sector competition significantly reduces the financial performance of rural banks,but significantly improves the social per-formance.Besides,this paper finds that the banking competition has an effect on the credit behavior of ru-ral banks.Therefore,the market-oriented financial reform and the increasing competition in the market would improve the rural banks�social performance.



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