首页> 中文期刊> 《生态环境学报》 >现代农业快速发展背景下的农业生产废弃物管理对策探析——政府与农户的动态博弈




With the agriculture intensification and large-scale development, agricultural waste management issues have been highlighted. The development of cycle and low-carbon agriculture, to a certain extent, encouraged farmers to manage the resource of agricultural waste, and obtained some results. But there are still some obstacles that seriously hampered the efficient and sustainable development of agricultural waste management. This paper build a dynamic game model between the government and farmers, to analyze the role of subsidies for farmers on improving management efficiency of agricultural waste, and based on analysis of the dynamics game model, make the proposal to promote the management efficiency and sustainable development of agricultural waste, namely: (1) Depending on the differences in management formulate the policy of differential subsidies; (2) Implementing regional differences in the standards of subsidies; (3) Extending the subsidy period, and carrying out the sub-annual different amount of subsidies for fanners; (4) Raising the management wariness of household, and enhancing the fanners' skills training.%随着农业集约化、规模化发展,农业生产废弃物的管理问题凸显.循环农业、低碳农业的发展,在一定程度上激励了农户对农业生产废弃物资源化管理,取得了一定的成绩,但是也存在一定的问题,严重制约了农业生产废弃物资源化管理.文章通过构建政府与农户的动态博弈模型,分析补贴政策对农户提高农业生产废弃物资源化管理效率的作用,并基于政府与农户的动态博弈分析提出了促进农业生产废弃物管理效率提升及其可持续发展的建议,即:(1)根据不同的资源化管理方式的差异制定并实施差别补贴政策;(2)实行区域差别补贴标准;(3)延长补贴期限,实行分年度对农户进行不同数量的补贴;(4)培养农户管理意识,加强农户技能培训.



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