首页> 中文期刊> 《生态环境学报》 >不同区域气候条件影响下的纳帕海湿地植物叶绿素荧光特性




采用原位移地技术,研究了不同区域气候条件影响下,纳帕海4种常见湿地植物的株高、茎粗、生物量等生长特性,以及叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量、叶绿素a/b值、光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)、电子传递速率(ETR)、实际光化学量子效率(Phips2)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)、非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)等生理生化指标,分析探讨了湿地植物对不同区域气候条件的响应差异和适应策略。研究发现气候条件的改变对湿地植物的生长、叶绿素含量及荧光参数产生重要影响。随着温度的上升,水葱Scirpus tabernaemontani和茭草两种广布种Zizania caduciflora均表现出良好的适应性,生物量、叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm、ETR、Phips2、qP值不同程度升高,生长状况良好。刘氏荸荠Heleocharis liouana也表现出较好的适应性,当气温上升到一定程度后,虽然Fv/Fm、ETR、Phips2、qP值降低,但其通过调节叶绿素含量、热耗散来减轻伤害,气候变化对其生长的影响较小。而北温带分布型的黑三棱Rhizoma scirpi yagarae对气候变化的适应性较差,当温度上升到一定程度后, Fv/Fm、ETR、Phips2、qP、NPQ都出现大幅下降,生长停滞,生物量下降,对温度上升极为敏感。可以推测,随着全球变暖,像黑三棱这样的物种,其生存将面临极大的威胁,而高原湿地生态功也将能受到损害。%By means of the ex-situ experiment, four dominant species of aquatic plants with their soil in Napahai Wetland were transferred to three different regions to measure 12 indexes under different regional climate conditions, including plant height, stem diameter, biomass, the content of chlorophyll a, the content of chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a/b, maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), electron (ETR), actualphoto-chemical efficiency (Phips2) and photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), on photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ). The response differences and the adapted tactics of the aquatic plants to the regional climate changes were analyzed. The results showed that the different regional climate conditions had great influence on plant growth, the content of chlorophyll and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. With the increase of temperature, the widely distributed species of Scirpus tabernaemontani and Zizania caduciflora both showed good adaptability. The biomass, content of chlorophyll, Fv/Fm, ETR, Phips2, qP value all increased. When temperature raised to a certain extent, the Fv/Fm, ETR, Phips2, qP value of another widely distributed species of Heleocharis liouana all dropped but not much affection occurred on its growth showed general adaptability. It might be by adjusting the content of chlorophyll and heat dissipation to mitigate the injury. The climate change adaptability of narrow distributed species of Rhizoma scirpi yagarae was the worst. When the temperature increase, the Fv/Fm, ETR, Phips2, qP and NPQ sharply decreased, which indicated that the high temperature led to serious injury on narrowly distributed species. Along with the global warming the survival habitat of such species as Rhizoma scirpi yagarae’s would disappeared. Also, it showed that the impacts of climate change on the plateau wetland ecosystem were obviously.



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