首页> 中文期刊>工程抗震与加固改造 >基于率相关损伤模型的混凝土高墩桥梁地震响应分析




A modification of the original elastoplastic damage model proposed by Faria,0liver is made in order to obtain a better description of the unilateral effect of concrete.For taking the strain rate effect into account,the viscous regularization of the rateindependent damage model is introduced as well.Then,the user subroutine VUMAT of the viscous damage model is implemented into the FEA software ABAQUS.Furthermore,using the damage model,the seismic analysis of the RC high pier bridge is performed to investigate the influence of the strain rate effect on the seismic response of the bridge.The results indicate that the influence of the strain rate effect on the displacement history is not very obvious,however,for the damage level distribution,the influence is relatively significant.%将Faria、Oliver等人提出的弹塑性损伤模型进行了修正以更好的描述混凝土的单边效应,进而对率无关的损伤模型进行了粘性规则化,以考虑地震作用下混凝土的应变率效应.以大型通用有限元软件ABAQUS为平台,将率相关损伤模型实现为用户材料子程序VUMAT.在此基础上,应用该模型对某混凝土高墩桥梁进行了非线性地震响应分析,以考察应变率效应的影响规律.分析结果表明:对于高墩桥梁,应变率效应对位移响应虽有影响但不很明显,而对拉、压损伤则有一定程度的影响.



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