首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >一幅珍贵的唐长安夜间乐舞图--以莫高窟第220窟药师经变乐舞图中灯为中心的解读




Dunhuang wall paintings exhibit a history of images. As image documents, Dunhuang caves have been first-hand material for interpreting medieval history. The large-scaled music and dancing scene in the Bhaisajyaguru sutra illustration in Mogao Cave 220 depicts a scene of Buddhist paradise. However, a close association between the art source and social life, without considering Buddhist illusory and artistic elements, suggests that one of the three luxurious lamps is an exact representation of the Chinese lunar lantern festival in Chang ' an in the Tang dynasty, and can also be regarded as a large-scale dinner party showing the emperor meeting his ministers, the banquets held by noble or official families, or the various night music and dancing scenes in Chang ' an or Luoyang in the Tang dynasty. These wall paintings are of important value for historical research.%敦煌壁画是形象的历史,其作为图像资料,成为我们今天解读中古历史的第一手考古资料。敦煌莫高窟第220窟药师七佛变中的大型乐舞场景,虽然表现的是佛国净土世界情景,但是剔除其中佛教虚幻和艺术化的成分,紧密联系艺术的社会生活源头,可以发现其中三处大型豪华的灯饰,正是有唐一代长安城上元夜燃灯的再现,也可以认为是包括皇帝会群臣的大型晚宴,官僚士大夫家中举办的各式夜宴,唐长安、洛阳两京地区各类大型夜间乐舞场景的描绘,有重要的历史研究价值。



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