首页> 中文期刊>敦煌研究 >唐与回鹘时期库木吐喇石窟壁画年代探索--以窟群区第12、15至17窟为中心




The Chronology of the Wall-paintings of the Tang and Uighur periods in the Kumtura Grottoes has been obscure for a long time, and current conditions do not allow for a comprehensive periodization of the Uighur caves at the Kumtura Grottoes in particular. This paper systematically discusses the absolute chronology of the Tang dynasty caves 15, 16 and 17 and the Uighur cave 12 at Kumtura based on stylistics and stylization as well as the image content, inscriptions and other factors. It further discusses the relative chronology of other Tang and Uighur period caves at Kumtura by taking the aforementioned four caves as the scalar type.%关于库木吐喇石窟唐与回鹘时期壁画的年代问题,长期以来模糊不清,尤其是对回鹘时期洞窟壁画的分期与断代,目前条件尚不具备。本文尝试以样式论与风格学等方法,综合石窟形制、图像内容与题记等因素,试对库木吐喇唐风洞窟第15至17窟、回鹘风洞窟第12窟壁画的绝对年代进行探索,并以此为标型窟探索唐与回鹘时期库木吐喇部分洞窟壁画的相对年代。



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