首页> 中文期刊>电脑知识与技术 >浅谈创新教育观下的高职计算机教学




With the rapid development of economy, people attach importance to the education grow with each passing day. The traditional examination oriented education can no longer meet the people for the thirst for knowledge, quality education is in⁃creasingly respected by people. In computer teaching process using the innovative education concept, can arouse students' inter⁃est in learning, improve the quality of students, cultivating students' innovative ability, this is the development of the times, and helps for the country to cultivate truly useful to people. In this paper, from the meaning and characteristics of innovation educa⁃tion based on the present situation, we describe to the computer teaching of higher vocational education, and vocational comput⁃er teaching strategies about some innovative education perspective.%随着经济的飞速发展,人们对教育的重视程度与日俱增。传统的应试教育已满足不了人们对于知识的渴求,素质教育越来越受到人们的推崇。在高职计算机教学过程中采用创新型教育观,能够引起学生的学习兴趣,提升学生的素养,培养学生的创新能力,这是顺应时代发展的表现,同时有助于为国家培养真正有用的人才。该文从创新教育的含义与特点出发,向大家描述一下高职计算机教学的现状,并讲述几点创新教育观下的高职计算机教学策略。



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