首页> 中文期刊>设计 >生命的信息--靳埭强作品审美初探




Life refers to natural lives, and nature refers to the natural disposition and essence. That is to say, life is the nature of heaven and earth. In the same way, life is the nature of art. So, al the beauty is from the source of the soul, and if there is no life consciousness, it is not beautiful. In fact, artists pursuit of that ful y releasing life. By analyzing artistic accomplishment and the unique feeling of life in some works of Kan Tai-Keung, the article ends with a designer who is only interested in life, and takes an emotional investment in your works, and absorbs nutrients in other arts, and puts dribs in life into the art to make the works ful of vigor vitality.%清徐灏云:“生,古性字,书传往往通用。”生指生命,性指本性、本质的意思,也就是说,生命是天地自然的本性。同理,生命也是艺术的本性。所以,一切美的光都来自心灵的源泉,没有生命意识的映射,是无所谓美的。事实上,艺术家在艺术中追求的就是充分地释放自我生命,在艺术创造中将个人的性灵与体验赋予作品中。本文通过对靳埭强先生多幅设计作品的探讨分析,研究作品中蕴含的艺术修养和对生命的独特感受力,提出作为一名设计师只有热衷于生活,在作品中注入情感,在其他艺术领域吸收营养,才能将生活中的一点一滴和所感、所想融入到艺术中去,使创作出来的作品充满勃勃的生命意识。



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