首页> 中文期刊>当代化工 >磷酸溶液中一种咪唑啉季铵盐的缓蚀性能研究




以桐油、松香、二乙烯三胺和氯乙酸为原料合成了一种咪唑啉季铵盐,采用失重法考察了其在15%磷酸中对A3钢的缓蚀效果及其抗Fe3+腐蚀的能力;并考察了其与长链含硫曼尼希碱的复配物的耐Fe3+的能力。结果表明,合成的咪唑啉季铵盐在15%磷酸溶液中对A3钢有较好的缓蚀效果,但其单独使用时耐Fe3+腐蚀的能力较弱;长链含硫曼尼希碱化合物的加入能在很大程度上改善其耐 Fe3+腐蚀的能力,复配后缓蚀剂耐 Fe3+腐蚀的能力大大增强。%An imidazoline quaternary ammonium was synthesized from tung oil, rosin, diethylenetriamine and chloroacetic acid. The corrosion inhibition performance of the product on A3 steel in 15% phosphoric acid solution was investigated by weight-loss method. The anti-corrosion performances of the product and the mixture of the product and the long chain Mannich base with S atoms on Fe3+in 15%phosphoric acid were also studied. Results show that the imidazoline quaternary ammonium has good corrosion inhibition efficiency on A3 steel in 15%phosphoric acid, but its corrosion inhibition efficiency decreases greatly when Fe3+exists. Addition of the long chain Mannich base can greatly improve the anti-corrosion performance of imidazoline quaternary ammonium on Fe3+.



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