首页> 中文期刊>计算机技术与发展 >基于粒子群算法的无线传感网络部署的研究




近年来,无线通信技术的迅猛发展使得人们对无线通信的要求逐步提高,这种要求令无线传感器网络得到了越来越多研究人员的关注。文中的主要目的是通过正六边形网络这种划分方法计算一个固定区域中所需要部署的传感器数量,再用matlab对传感器的节点分布进行仿真。正六边形网格划分方法不仅可以实现无缝覆盖,还可以使用比较少的结点将检测区域覆盖。使用粒子群算法对检测区域的无线传感覆盖进行了优化,从而使得覆盖的效果更接近实际情况。%Recently,the rapid development of wireless communication has received people's more requirements about wireless communi-cation. Wireless sensor network has received more and more attention because of these requirements. The purpose is to calculate the num-ber of the wireless sensor in a fixed area,using the classification method of hexagonal network,then using matlab to make a simulation a-bout the sensor distribution. Hexagonal mesh method can not only achieve seamless coverage,but also can use fewer nodes to coverage the detect area. The use of particle swarm optimization algorithm for detecting region of the wireless sensor coverage is optimized,so that the covering effect is more close to the actual situation.



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