首页> 中文期刊>计算机仿真 >基于粒子群算法的甲类功放优化电路设计




研究甲类功率放大器性能优化问题,依据甲类功放自身的工作特性,功率管在工作状态存在高热量带来非线性失真.为解决上述问题,提出了一种在典型的甲类功放中引入负反馈的电路优化方案.功放电路的优化设计,不但要提高电路的线性输出度及安全性,还要求尽可能高的输出效率,同时要求优化电路综合性能的最佳电路参数,首先通过图解法分析了各个电路参数对效率的影响,然后对电路建立了线性化的数学模型,利用Matlab软件采用粒子群算法进行仿真,结果表明,快速的收敛速度使电路得到最佳参数配置,验证了方法的有效性.%To solve the problems of nonlinear distortion and safety caused by high heat when power transistors work in normal state, an optimal method for the audio power amplifiers of typical category A with negative feedback was proposed in the paper. In optimizing power amplifier circuit, the linearity and safety of it are to be improved. In addition,. the output power should be improved as possible. To derive the optimal parameters for the comprehensive performance of the circuit, the effects of parameters of the circuit were analyzed by graphic analytic method firstly. And then, ihe linear mathematic model of the circuit was created, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm was used to optimize the parameters of the circuit based on the global convergence. The effectiveness of the method is sim-ulated by Matlab software.



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