首页> 中文期刊>计算机仿真 >地空导弹飞行控制系统的微小故障诊断研究




导弹在飞行过程中易受到各种未知干扰的影响,而微小故障又极易被未知扰动所掩盖,使得微小故障难以检测.针对地空导弹飞行控制系统带有未知扰动的执行器微小故障,提出一种采用自适应滑模观测器的故障诊断方法.上述方法不仅对导弹在飞行过程中可能受到的未知扰动具有很强的鲁棒性,同时实现了对导弹执行器微小故障的估计.首先,通过坐标变换将原系统中的执行器微小故障和未知扰动分离解耦到两个子系统中.然后,针对只包含执行器微小故障的子系统,通过设计的自适应观测器实现微小故障重构算法;针对另一个既有未知扰动又有微小故障的子系统,通过设计的滑模观测器来消除未知扰动的影响.最后,仿真结果表明,上述方法能够有效实现带有未知扰动的执行器微小故障的检测.%Guided missiles are sensitive to unknown disturbance on the wing,and incipient fault is easily covered up by unknown disturbance,so it is difficult to detect incipient fault.An adaptive and sliding-mode observer (SMO) is designed for the actuator incipient fault of flight control system for guided missiles with unknown disturbance,which can not only estimate the incipient fault,but also have strong robustness against unknown disturbances on the wing.The actuator fault and unknown disturbances are transformed by coordinate transformation into two subsystems.An adaptive observer is designed to estimate the incipient fault for the subsystem which is free from disturbances,and a sliding mode observer is designed to eliminate the effect of unknown disturbances for the subsystem which is affected by disturbances and incipient faults.Simulation results verify that the proposed method is effective.



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