首页> 中文期刊>计算机科学 >基于开发者行为分析的Web资源推荐




现代的软件开发集成开发环境(IDE)为开发者提供了错误提示、代码补全、代码分析、版本管理等多方面的辅助开发支持,大大提高了开发效率.同时,开发者在日常开发过程中还常常依赖于互联网获取代码样例、配置说明、错误处理等Web开发资源.由于需要频繁地在IDE和浏览器之间进行切换并通过各种方式进行信息检索,开发者往往需要在Web开发资源的获取上花费大量的时间和精力.为此,提出一种基于开发者开发行为分析和挖掘的Web信息资源推荐方法.该方法通过自动记录和抓取开发者在IDE中的代码浏览和修改等动作以及在浏览器中的页面浏览信息获取基础信息.在此基础上,该方法从所抓取的浏览器页面中抽取结构化的信息资源,并通过聚类和基于时间的关联分析确定IDE开发行为与Web信息资源之间的相关性,从而在开发者在IDE中执行开发任务时自动推荐相关的Web信息资源.最后通过一个实验分析初步验证了所提方法的有效性.%Modern integrated development environment (IDE) provides developers with a variety of tools,including error warning,code complementary,code analysis,version control management,etc.,to support software development and improve the developers'' efficiency.However,such tools are deficient,as much more information,such as code sample,configure manifest,and error handling,is needed during development,and frequently switching between Web browser and IDE costs time and effort.A Web information resource recommendation method was proposed,which is based on the analysis of developer''s behavior.The method extracts structured information including code samples from the developers'' browsing history,and classifies them through text clustering.At the same time,the developer''s behavior in the IDE was recorded.The relationship between WEB resources and developer''s behavior will be established so that similar information can be recommended when the same situation happens.At last,an experiments was conducted to demonstrate that our method can save developing time efficiently.



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