首页> 中文期刊>计算机与现代化 >基于模型驱动的航电系统安全性分析




针对综合化航空电子系统安全性分析存在的失效模式完备性和动态失效问题以及数据一致性问题,将航电系统分为应用操作层、功能层和资源层3个层次,采用形式化方法分别对每个层次进行建模,利用模型转换技术实现3个层次之间的语义转换,确保语义的一致性。利用AADL语言对系统应用操作和功能层建模,实现对应用操作模式完备性检查,利用AltaRica语言对系统的异常行为建模,实现对系统的动态失效问题分析。本文以飞机自动驾驶系统为例,利用AADL建模工具Osate实现对应用操作模式的分析,借助于基于AltaRica语言的SimFia工具对其安全性进行分析,结果验证了所提出方法的有效性和实用性。%This paper introduces a new model-based method for safety analysis to address the problem of failure modes integrity , dynamic failure and data consistency that currently encountered in safety assessments for integrated avionics system .The method model integrated avionics system hierarchically with layers of application operation , function and resource .It simplifies a large part of the analysis , the development of fault trees , and can guarantee the consistency of results .AADL language is used to model application layer to check the integrity of operations modes and AltaRica is used to model dysfunction of system to solve the prob -lem of dynamic failure .The efficiency and practicality of the method is illustrated by analyzing safety of auto pilot system through Osate tool which used for analyzing operational modes of application and SimFia tool which used for safety analysis .



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