首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机与现代化》 >基于SSM和HttpClient的在线选课辅助系统的设计与实现




This paper is aimed to provide a course selection assistance system for the school’ s educational administration manage-ment system, which enables students to select the course with efficiency. Our system is composed of user and administrator plat-form. In particular, the system is developed by using Java language, which is comprised with the modules of course selection and data synchronization. Here, the front-UI is developed by Bootstrap framework, and the backend is built by SSM framework. The Web crawler based on HttpClient is a component of system for data synchronization and making service requests. The result shows that the system can effectively improve the efficiency of course selection.%针对某校教务系统对学生选课过程产生的诸多不足,根据教务系统的数据形式开发基于SSM框架与HttpClient技术的选课辅助系统,该系统有前台学生用户端与后台管理端,学生用户端提供学生选课相关功能,后台管理端提供选课数据与教务系统的同步管理等功能,系统前端基于Bootstrap框架并结合JavaScript和jQuery进行开发,系统后端采用SSM( Spring,Spring MVC,MyBatis)架构整合开发,使用HttpClient实现教务系统的数据捉取,并完成与教务系统的服务调用。本系统使用结果表明本系统能有效提高学生的选课效率。



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