首页> 中文期刊>计算机测量与控制 >基于FPGA可重构多功能仪器方案设计




针对传统ATS测试中由开关速度慢导致的易造成短路从而损坏测试仪器或被测单元(UUT)等缺点,提出用可重构的多功能测试仪器来代替专用仪器,达到降低测试成本、提高测试效率的目的;文中设计了基于FPGA的信号发生器、数字万用表和频率计等多种功能仪器,并可以重新配置,并重点介绍数字万用表的设计;利用SOPC Builder软件在FPGA中嵌入了NiosⅡ处理器系统实现多仪器功能的集成,利用USB总线完成上位机与下位机的通讯,使人机交互友好;基于可重构理论设计的这种多功能仪器集成度高,有效地解决了仪器功能单一呆板的问题,最终使系统从专用走向通用.%In view of the faults which are breakdowns of Test Equipment and Units Under Test (UUT) easily caused by short circuit which is resulted in the slow speed of power switch in the traditional ATS test, this paper puts forward a proposal for the reconfigurable multi-function instrument which will take the place of the special instrument in order to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of the test. Various of functions of instrument is designed including signal generator, digital multimeter and frequency counter based on the FP-GA, which can reconfigure, and mainly introduces the design of digital multimeter. Using SOPC Builder to embed Nios Ⅱ CPU system in FPGA to implement the integration of multi-instrument capabilities and USB to achieve the communication between the Host PC and the instrument so that the instrument can be operated well by people. The design of multi-function instrument based on reconfigurable theory that is highly integrated, effective solution to the problem of instrument function of a single rigid, and ultimately make the system from special purpose to general.



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