首页> 中文期刊>计算机测量与控制 >基于全方位视觉的人证同一性检验装置




针对目前人证同一性检测效率低,精度差,证件信息使用不充分等同题,提出了一种由身份证读卡器、全方位视觉传感器(ODVS,Omni--Directional Vision Sensors)和嵌入式系统构成的人证同一性检验装置;通过身份证读卡器读取身份证内的身份证持有者的人脸图像,采用ODVS抓拍身份证持有者的人脸图像,然后利用模块2DPCA算法将身份证内的人脸图像与抓拍的人脸图像进行比对,根据比对的结果得出的Frogenous范数与已设置好的阈值进行比较,若小于阈值就判定为身份证持有者和证件所有者是同一个人;实验结果表明,设计的人证同一性检验装置具有检验速度快、验证精度高,被检验者非约束、系统鲁棒性高等优点.%This paper presents an identification apparatus for ID card holders consisted of an ID card reader, ODVS and embedded systems; the ID card reader reads the face image in the ID card, ODVS captures face images of the ID card holder, and then the module 2DPCA algorithm can compare the face image of ID card with that of the card holder.If the Frogenous norm number obtained according to the compare results is less than the given threshold value, it means the ID card holder and the ID card owner is the same person.Experimental results show that identification apparatus for ID card holders has some advantages, such as quickly check, higher accuracy, non- binding of the holder, higher robustness.



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