首页> 中文期刊>计算机测量与控制 >基于IP核的智能CAN设备设计与实现




In order to cover the current shortcoming of intelligent equipment based on Asic processor, a type of intelligent CAN equipment based on IP core is developed. By making use of IP core such as NIOSII, and CAN bus, and PCI bus, it realized integration for NIOSII system including main processor, cache, ROM and RAM on-chip, SRAM and flash off-chip, etc, and realized bridge connection between Wishbone bus and Avalon bus, it also realized data switch of intelligent interface based on DPRAM and driver and application sortware in SOPC and other IDE environment. Under condition of 500kbps baud and 8-bit bytes data, this equipment is tested, which shows its high performance and flexible and reliable.%针对目前基于Asic处理器智能设备存在的不足.开发出一种基于IP核的智能CAN设备;主要利用NIOSII固核处理器IP核、CAN总线IP核、PCI总线IP核,在SOPC集成环境及其它IDE环境中实现系统集成和定制,完成了NiosII处理器系统集成如主处理器、Cache、片内ROM/RAM、片外SRAM和FLASH资源等;Wishbone总线到Avalon总线的桥接;基于DPRAM的智能接几数据交换单元等,并完成设备的驱动及应用软件开发;在500kbps波特率和8字节数据位条件下,对该设备的CAN总线性能进行了实测,结果表明其性能高且灵活可靠.



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