首页> 中文期刊>计算机测量与控制 >基于混沌Logistic和Arnold二次加密的图像水印算法研究




针对图像水印在不可见性和鲁棒性方面很难同时满足的问题;提出一种基于混沌对含有版权信息的原始水印图像进行双重加密的方法,首先对原始水印图像进行Logistic混沌序列加密,然后在此基础上进行Arnold位置置乱,使水印信息具有双重的保密性;根据人眼视觉系统对图像进行分块,将不同强度的水印分量自适应地嵌入到DCT的中频系数中,使嵌有水印的图像具有良好的视觉不可见性;通过对嵌入水印的图像进行高斯噪声和椒盐噪声、均值滤波、图像剪切、JPEG压缩等攻击方法:实验表明,该算法在水印自身的安全性和相关性,系统的鲁棒性和水印的视觉隐蔽性方面相对于其它算法都有很大的提高;使受保护的数字图像具有双重安全性;为图像水印的应用提供了一条新的途径.%For image watermarking is very difficult in terms of satisfying invisibility and robustness at the same time,this paper proposes a double encryption algorithm based on Chaos for the original watermarking image containing copyright information,algorithm,which encrypted with the Logistic chaotic sequence,then proceeded with Arnold cat position scrambling transformation,to make the watermark in formation safer.According to the human visual system,the watermark components with different strength are adaptively embedded into intermediate frequency coefficients of DCT,and the embedded watermark image has good imperceptibility.Though the experiments of attacking with Gaussian noise,salt&pepper noise,mean value filleting,cropping and JPEG compression,experiments show that the algorithm has a great improvement compared with other algorithms on the security and relevance and the invisibility and robustness of the watermark.It provides a new way for the application of image watermarking.



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