首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程》 >一种基于最小能耗的手机传感调度算法




带有大量内置传感器的手机使各种领域下的传感应用成为可能,但同时会消耗大量能耗。为此,通过云协作方式来降低手机传感应用的能耗。定义最小能耗传感调度问题,设计多项式算法以获得最优解,证明手机协作式传感不但可以节约能耗,还可以作为性能评估的基准。基于现实假设给出2种启发式算法,以确定高能效传感调度策略。利用真实的能耗假设和位置数据进行仿真,结果表明,与不支持协作的传统算法相比,协作式传感可以显著降低能耗,并且在总体能耗和公平性方面性能较优。%Mobile phones with a rich set of embedded sensors enable sensing applications in various domains. This paper proposes to leverage cloud-assisted collaborative sensing to reduce sensing energy consumption for mobile phone sensing applications. It formally defines a minimum energy sensing scheduling problem and presents a polynomial-time algorithm to obtain optimal solutions,which can be used to show energy savings that can potentially be achieved by using collaborative sensing in mobile phone sensing applications, and can also serve as a benchmark for performance evaluation. Under realistic assumptions, it presents two euristic algorithms to find energy-efficient sensing schedules. Simulation results based on real energy consumption and location data show that collaborative sensing significantly reduces energy consumption compared with traditional approaches without collaborations, and the proposed heuristic algorithm performs well in terms of both total energy consumption and fairness.



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