首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程与设计》 >可抵抗全局窃听者的香农安全性网络纠错码




To improve the security performance and the transmission rate of SEC network codes against global eavesdroppers, a new secure policy based on secret channels is proposed, and a class of new SEC network codes is constructed by combining the new secure policy and rank-metric error-correcting network codes. The new secure policy secures the transmission by adding ran dom information to source information, and asymptotically reduces the bandwidth for secret sharing to 0 by renewing random in formation with permutation. With theoretically proving, the following conclusion can be presented! The proposed SEC codes are Shannon secure and able to defeat global eavesdropper. Moreover, the proposed SEC codes will not suffer from any rate loss for the enhanced security.%为改进现有香农安全性网络纠错码会造成传输速率下降以及无法防御全局窃听者的缺点,提出一种基于秘密信道设计的安全策略,利用该安全策略和秩度量网络纠错码构造了一种新的安全网络纠错码.该安全策略通过对源信息添加随机信息以增加传输安全性,并通过对随机信息进行随机置换使得秘密共享信息量渐近可忽略.理论分析结果表明,该安全网络纠错码达到香农安全性且能防御全局窃听者,同时不会因为提高网络编码传输的安全性而导致传输速率下降.



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