首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程与应用》 >新型两相TFPM两种控制方式的建模与仿真研究




横向磁场永磁电机具有高转矩密度等优点,但其转矩脉动严重地影响了输出转矩特性。提出一种改进的直接转矩控制方法,通过增加电压矢量数量及磁链区域的进一步细分,并重新设计开关表,改变定子磁链和转矩的估测模型及磁链角的获取,使开关频率增加,模型更加精确,转矩脉动减小,电机得到平稳运行。构建横向磁场永磁电机控制系统仿真模型,并与电流滞环跟踪控制进行对比分析。研究结果表明,改进的直接转矩控制减小了转矩脉动,增加了负载转矩和转速最大值,使横向磁场永磁电机工作性能得到提升。%Transverse flux permanent-magnet motor has the advantages of high torque density, but its torque ripple seri-ously affects the output torque characteristics. This paper proposes an improved direct torque control method. It increases the numbers of voltages vector and subdivides flux area, with redesigning switch table, changing the way of flux angle and the estimation models of stator flux and torque. So the switch frequency increases, and the model is more accurate. Finally, the motor can have a smooth operation for reducing torque ripple. It establishes the controlling system simulation model of transverse flux permanent-magnet motor, analyzes and compares with current hysteretic tracking control. The research results show that, the improved direct torque control reduces the torque ripple, and increases load torque and maximum value of speed, so that working performance of transverse flux permanent-magnet motor has been improved.



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