首页> 中文期刊>计算机工程与应用 >无线传感器网络节点身份的分布式认证研究




通过研究已有的多种分布式认证安全机制,针对采用秘密共享的分布式认证方式存在的不足提出三点改进:共享秘密考虑使用密码的多项式模函数进行生成;认证方式上采用添加基站授权的第三方信任方式代替处理中心去认证,以便减少节点认证过程的跳数;通过给节点分配奇偶标识来选择参与认证的节点进而减少网络的总通信量。仿真实验将改进算法与已有安全机制进行对比,此实验结果表明节点间通信量减半且提高了无线传感器网络节点认证的安全性。%The security mechanism of multiple distributed authentication has been studied. In view of the existing problems of the distributed authentication secret sharing, three improvements are proposed:the shared secret to consider polynomial modulo function is generated with password;authentication by adding a base station authorized third party trust model instead of processing center to certification, so as to reduce the hop node authentication process;each node is assigned a parity identifier to select nodes involved in certification and reduce the total network traffic. The simulation experiment results are given between the improved algorithm and the existing security mechanisms. The results show that the amount of communication between nodes in half and it improves the security of wireless sensor network node authentication.



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