首页> 中文期刊>计算机应用与软件 >一种基于多路视频捕获的分布式互动投影系统




近年来,以多点触控和互动投影为代表的基于投影显示的交互展示系统得到广泛应用.这类系统通常使用一台PC来驱动单台投影设备,系统扩展性不强,画面面积不够大,分辨率也不高,不能满足新的应用要求.提出一种基于多路视频捕获的分布式互动投影系统,使用多台PC和多投影无缝拼接技术,提升系统扩展性,增加画面面积和显示分辨率;采用基于自由网格的红外相机标定技术,获得更精确的交互分析结果;利用视频帧之间的连贯性,设计了区域更新机制减少网络带宽需求;设计并实现了分布式交互展示系统开发工具集,开发人员能够使用此工具集将单机版交互展示程序修改为分布式版本.系统已成功应用于2010年上海世博会西藏馆超大尺寸互动地面投影系统等实际项目.%In recent years, projector-based interactive display systems which are represented by the multi-touch systems and interactive projection systems have been widely used. However, these systems are usually driven by one PC on a single projection device, which limits system scalability, display area and display resolution. This paper proposes a distributed interactive projection system based on multi-channel video capture. It improves system scalability and enlarges display area and display resolution by using multiple PC and multi-projecting seamless stitching technology. Free mesh-based method is used to calibrate the infrared cameras to acquire more precise interactive analysis result. Region updating mechanism is designed to reduce bandwidth demands by utilising the continuity between frames. Also, the software development kit for distributed interactive display systems is designed and implemented, which can be used by the developers to adapt the existing single PC applications to our distributed interactive projection system. Now, this technology has been successfully used in the extra large interactive projection system in Tibet Pavilion in Shanghai Expo 2010.



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