首页> 中文期刊>商业研究 >中国城镇非正规就业收入的性别差异




本文利用CHNS数据对我国城镇非正规就业收入存在的性别差异进行研究,发现人力资本水平较低是女性非正规就业收入较低的重要因素,即使在控制一系列个人、家庭、职业、非正规就业类型和地区特征后,女性非正规就业者的月工资仍旧明显低于男性,而且性别收入差距还有逐年增加的趋势;教育年限和工作经验的影响对性别工资差异的解释所占比例之和在30%左右,性别工资歧视的贡献仍非常显著,即非正规就业内部也存在男女同工不同酬的现象。%This paper analyses the gender wage gap of informal employment in China town by the CHNS data and finds that low level of human capital is the important factor leading to informal employed female workers with lower income . However , even in the control of a series of factors such as individual , family, occupational , type of informal employment and regional characteristics , informal employed women workers still earn less , and the gender pay gap in informal em-ployment has a tendency to increase gradually .Years of the education and work experience can explain the gender wage gap in the proportion of 30%, but the contribution of gender wage discrimination is still very significant .The phenome-non of unequal pay for men and women exists in the informal employment .



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