首页> 中文期刊> 《商业研究》 >创新投入结构对TFP的影响——基于知识产权保护调节作用的分析




Innovation investment has an important role in enterprises total factor productivity,the strength of intellectual property rights protection is the basis of decision making for enterprise innovation investment.The paper analyzes the effect mechanism of innovation investment structure under intellectual property rights protection on TFP based on panel data of 30 provinces and autonomous regions (municipalities directly under the central government) during the period of 2001-2010.The results show that innovation investment structure of source, innovation investment structure of input-intensity and innovation investment structure of application have a significantly negative impact on total factor productivity, and intellectual property rights protection has a positive moderating effect on the relationships between innovation investment structure of source, innovation investment structure of application and TFP.Therefore, in the case of the protection of intellectual property rights protection is becoming more and more perfect,enterprises should improve the efficiency of innovation input and the ability of independent research and development to promote total factor productivity.%创新投入对企业全要素生产率有着不可忽视的作用,知识保护强度是企业进行创新投入行为的决策依据.本文利用中国30个省和自治区(直辖市)2001-2010年的面板数据分析知识产权保护下创新投入结构对TFP的作用机理.研究发现:创新投入来源结构、创新投入强度结构、创新投入应用结构均对全要素生产率产生显著负向影响,知识产权保护对创新投入来源结构、创新投入应用源结构与全要素生产率的关系存在显著正向调节效应.因此,在知识产权保护日趋完善的情况下,企业只有努力提高创新投入效率和自主研发能力,才能促进全要素生产率的提高.



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