首页> 中文期刊>煤炭科学技术 >中国煤矿智能开采科技创新与发展




The paper analyzed the technology status at home and abroad intelligent mining coal mine in recent ten years,summarized the technical ideas of foreign intelligence exploitation:geological exploration combined with coal mining excavation depicted the distribution and the inertial navigation shearer intelligent mining.Mining for intelligent home made " no with machine operation,a security guard" min-ing idea,constructing " face automatic control,Chinese coal mining model intelligent remote monitoring center intervention" ,and then the thick and thin coal seam mining industry intelligence test and production techniques were summarized.The framework of future intelligent mining was designed,the key technology of intelligent mining was divided into:intelligent detection,intelligent navigation and intelligent control of three main parts,and the advanced technical innovation in the detection of coal rock interface recognition,the working face,coal gangue were discussed,pointed out that coal mine intelligent mining technology innovation depended on continuous progress of mining equipment,mining technology and mining idea.%分析了近十年来国内外煤矿智能开采的技术发展过程,总结出国外智能化开采的技术思路是:通过地质勘探结合掘进技术方式描绘开采煤层的赋存分布,通过惯性导航采煤机实现智能开采;在国内智能开采方面则是提出了“无人跟机作业,有人安全值守”的开采理念,构建了“以工作面自动控制为主,监控中心远程干预为辅”的中国煤炭智能开采模式,并对国内厚煤层和薄煤层的智能开采工业试验和生产进行了技术总结。对未来智能开采的技术框架进行了设计,将智能开采的关键技术分为:智能探测、智能导航和智能控制3个主要部分,并对煤岩分界、煤矸识别、工作面超前探测技术创新进行了展望,指出煤矿智能开采科技创新依赖于开采装备、开采技术和开采理念的不断进步。



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