首页> 中文期刊> 《煤田地质与勘探》 >苏家里新村地面及建筑物裂缝成因分析




Based on the survey results of cracks and the monitoring data of subsidence of the ground and building in New Sujiali Village, the cracks caused by non-mining factors are comprehensively and qualitatively analyzed with application of engineering geological analogy method. Meanwhile, it takes the FLAC3D program to do the numerical simulation analysis about the buildings affected by the goaf. It also summarizes the causes of cracks on the ground and buildings, location and law due to mining and non-mining factors. Analysis shows that the cracks of the ground and buildings in New Sujiali Village, Shanxi Province is the interactional outcomes of surface deforma-tion caused by subsidence, uneven settlement of foundation, river erosion and so on. The research results can pro-vide basis for the restoration and reinforcement of the ground buildings in the mining area.%以苏家里新村地面及建筑物裂缝调查结果和沉降监测资料为基础,应用工程地质类比法对非采矿因素引起的裂缝进行综合的定性分析,并应用 FLAC3D 程序对受煤矿采空区影响的建筑物进行数值模拟分析,同时归纳分析了对由于采矿因素和非采矿因素导致的地面及建筑物裂缝的成因、位置和规律。分析结果表明:苏家里新村地面及建筑物裂缝是开采沉陷引起的地表变形、填土地基不均匀沉降、河流冲蚀边坡坡脚等因素共同作用的结果。研究结果为该矿区地面建筑物的修复加固提供依据。



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