首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >青海木里地区地表水环境质量简评




木里地区地处青藏高原的高寒地区,属于生态缺水区.运用综合污染指数法对该地区的地表水环境质量做出了初步评价,结果表明:该区挥发酚的污染指数为0.40,污染分担率为57.2%,远高于其它指标,但其含量<0.002mg/L,基本无污染;其它污染物污染等级均属于清洁级;水质基本达到地表水环境质量Ⅲ级标准.随着木里煤田煤炭资源的开发利用,该地区的水环境质量和水体生态环境有污染的趋势.提出了建设小型调蓄、引水工程,加强点源和面源污染管理的防治对策及建议.%The Muri area is situated in the alpine cold Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ecologically water deficient region. A pilot study has been carried out to assess the area's surface water environment quality using comprehensive pollution index method. The result has demonstrated that: the pollution index of volatile phenol is 0.40, pollution share rate 57.2%, outclassed than other indices, but its content <0.002mg/L, basically non-pollution; pollution category of other pollutants all belong to clean class; water quality is basically come up to surface water environment quality III category. Along with exploitation and utilization of coal resources in Muri coalfield, water environment quality and water body ecological environment will be getting worse. Thus controlling countermeasures and suggestions have been put forward to construct small water regulating, hoarding and diverging works, and strengthen point and area pollution sources management.



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