首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >贵州木孔煤矿底板岩溶水系统特征分析




采用系统理论的观点,较详细的剖析了底板岩溶水系统的结构和功能特点.分析结果表明:底板岩溶水赋存于由裂隙、溶隙、溶孔等构成的多重介质,为裂隙溶洞型储水类型:地质构造、岩性差异对系统结构空间格局有着重要的控制作用:研究区底板岩溶水可分为一个地表汇水系统和三个地下水系统,均属于浅层水循环系统:岩溶水主要补给来源于降水,以集中式点状排泄,各系统水动力特征参数相当,平均径流模数在2.29-4.99L/(s·km2);系统地下水水化学类型主要为HCO3-Ca或HCO3-Ca·Mg,矿化度低,循环周期短.针对7号煤层开采的可行性,初步采用模糊边界进行了安全分区.以上结论对木孔煤矿采掘过程中底板突水预测具有重要的指导意义.%The paper has analyzed configuration and function characteristics of coal floor karst water system in detail through systems theory.The results have demonstrated that the coal floor karst water is hosted in the multiple media composed of fissures, solution fissures and solution pores and belonged to the fissure-karst cave reservoir type.The geological structure, lithologic diversity have essentially controlled spatial framework of systems structure.Coal floor karst water can be divided into one surface catchment system and three groundwater systems all belong to shallow water cycle system.Main karst water replenishment source is from precipitation,centralized punctiform drainage, hydrodynamic characteristic parameters of each system are comparative, average runoff modulus 2.29~4.99L/s?km2.Groundwater hydrochemical type of the system is HCO3-Ca or HCO3-Ca· Mg, low degree of mineralization, short cycle period.In allusion to No.7 coal seam mining feasibility, preliminarily using fuzzy boundary carried out safety partition.The results have guiding significance in coal floor water bursting prediction during the mining of the Mukong coalmine.



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