首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >矸石粉煤灰胶结充填系统可靠性影响因素分析




煤矿矸石粉煤灰胶结充填系统由料浆制备、管道输送、工作面充填等多个环节串联而成,为分析影响充填系统可靠性的因素,采用层次分析法构建了充填系统可靠性分层评价体系,通过构建各层判断矩阵并分析各因素权重,得到了影响系统可靠性的主要因素.研究结果表明:料浆配置系统和管道输送系统为影响充填系统可靠性的主要子系统,其权重分别为0.383和0.313;所有的影响因素中,最主要的因素是充填管道的质量,其权重值为0.165;影响充填系统可靠性的主要因素还包括料浆浓度、粉煤灰含量、防堵管爆管措施、煤矸石破碎度和胶凝材料,分析结果能为维护充填系统的可靠性提供技术参考.%The formation of coalmine gangue and fine coal ash cementation filling system has multi-link series of slurry preparation, pipeline transportation and working face filling etc. To analyze the reliability impacting factors of the filling system, based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP),has established reliability hierarchy rating system. Through the establishment of hierarchy judgment matrix and factor weights have acquired main factors impacting system reliability. The result has shown that the slurry preparation system and pipeline transportation system are the main subsystems impacting filling system reliability; their weights are 0.383 and 0.313 respec-tively. In all impacting factors,the quality of filling pipeline is the most important,its weight is 0.165. Other main impacting factors still include slurry concentration,fine coal ash content, plugging prevention bursting measures, gangue fragmentation degree and ce-menting material. The analyzed result can provide technical reference for filling system maintenance reliability.



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