首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >煤矿区集中式水源地选址分析




To opt for an appropriate centralized waterhead site in a coalmine area with large worked -out area and strata seriously dam-aged by mining activities is the demand of industry and agriculture development and resident living water .To take the centralized water-head site option in the Jingxing coalmine area , western Shijiazhuang as an example , deliberated again on waterhead construction pur-pose, construction standard.On the basis of full analyses for coalmine area physical geography , water resource distribution, groundwa-ter recharge , runoff and discharge conditions , geological structure , coal mining activity and water quality features , through analysis , e-laboration, screening and comparison , have considered that to the west of Baibiaocun in southwestern part of the coalmine area , origi-nal Jingxing minefield No.3 is the optimal choice.Thus, the working method , technical route and experiences can be reference for oth-er similar projects.%在留有大片采空区和地层受采掘活动严重影响的煤矿区选择适宜的集中式供水水源地,是工农业的发展和居民生活用水的需要.以石家庄西部井陉矿区集中式供水水源地选址为例,根据水源地建设目的、建设标准,在充分研究分析矿区自然地理、水资源分布、地下水补给、径流、排泄条件、地质构造、采煤活动、水质特征的基础上,通过分析阐述、筛选对比,认为矿区西南部,原井陉三矿井田内的白彪村西是最佳选择,其工作方法、技术路线,以及经验可作为其它类似项目的借鉴.



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