首页> 中文期刊> 《临床医学工程》 >LEEP刀联合臭氧治疗前庭大腺脓肿的临床观察




目的:探讨蕴耘耘孕刀联合臭氧治疗前庭大腺脓肿的临床疗效,为其临床联合应用提供依据。方法90例前庭大腺脓肿患者随机分成两组。治疗组(42例)采用蕴耘耘孕刀造口,用臭氧冲洗伤口及阴道。对照组(48例)采用传统手术造口,用庆大霉素或灭滴灵冲洗伤口及阴道,凡士林纱条填塞引流。分析对比两组患者的抗生素应用、手术时间、出血量、疼痛、感染率、切口愈合时间、复发率等情况。结果治疗组手术时间比对照组显著缩短(孕<0.01),术中出血量显著减少(孕<0.01),患者疼痛感明显减轻(孕<0.01)。两组感染率无统计学差异。结论采用蕴耘耘孕刀联合臭氧治疗前庭大腺脓肿,手术时间短,术中出血量少,不增加感染风险,门诊治疗不需住院及每天换药,费用低,从精神上、经济上减轻患者压力,值得在临床推广应用。%Objective To explore the clinical effect of LEEP electro-scalpel combined with ozone for the treatment of bartholin gland cyst, so as to provide basis for clinical application. Methods 90 patients with bartholin gland cyst were randomly divided into two groups. 42 cases of the treatment group received LEEP electro-scalpel for stoma and ozone for washing wound and vagina. 48 cases of the control group received conventional stoma operation, gentamicin or metronidazole for washing wound and vagina and vaseline qauze for filling and drainage. The antibiotics application time, operative time, amount of bleeding, pain, infection rate, wound healing time, recurrence rate were analyzed and compared between the two groups. Results Compared with the control group, the treatment group had less operative time, fewer amount of bleeding, significantly reduced pain, with statistically significant difference (all P<0.01). The infection rate had no statistical difference between the two groups. Conclusions LEEP electro-scalpel combined with ozone for the treatment of bartholin gland cyst has advantages such as shorter operative time, fewer amount of bleeding, lower cost, no increasing the risk of infection, no hospitalization or medication every day, and reducing patients' spiritual and economic stress, which is worthy of clinical application.



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