首页> 中文期刊> 《洁净煤技术》 >活性焦传热系数的测定




In order to improve heat transfer coefficient of activated coke,the radial heat transfer on bed was simplified as effective radial thermal conductivity,the axial heat transfer was considered as two parts which were axial effective heat transfer,fluid flow and heat trans-fer. The distribution of temperature on axial and radial of bed was determined by changing turbulent flow gas velocity. Radial thermal con-ductivity and wall heat transfer coefficient were obtained by applying the orthogonal collocation method in giving the initial value. The opti-mization method was used to solve the model of partial differential equation with Matlab software. The results showed that,the effective thermal conductivity of activated coke was 1. 39 W/(m·K),the wall heat transfer coefficient rose with the raise of particle Reynolds number. The wall heat transfer coefficient which was determined through test was in agreement with the empirical formula of low heat trans-fer coefficient material.%为研究活性焦传热性能,把床层径向传热简化为径向有效导热,将轴向传热看成轴向有效导热和流体流动传热2项组成,自制传热系数测定装置,改变扰流气体流速,测定床层轴向和径向温度分布,利用Matlab软件,采用正交配置法进行数据处理,通过赋予初值,采用最优化方法求解模型偏微分方程,得出径向有效导热系数Ker 及壁给热系数Hw。试验结果表明:活性焦有效导热系数约为1.39 W/( m·K),壁给热系数随着颗粒雷诺数的增加而增加。试验测定的壁给热系数与低传热系数材料的壁给热系数经验公式较吻合。



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