首页> 中文期刊>城市规划 >城市低收入群体的就业可达性变化研究——以北京为例




Job-housing balance is advocated by both the new urbanism movement and the smart growth policy as it will not only reduce the driving of private cars, promote the urban employment, but also promote the social justice. Using Beijing as case study and adopting the OD matrix for network analysis, this paper evaluates the job accessibility of people living in affordable housing to commercial job centers as measured by commuting time. The results show an accessibility gap for different modes of transportation as travel by bus takes nearly double the amount of time as travel by car. Furthermore, average commuting time by both bus and car fromrnareas of affordable housing built after 2004 is much longer than that from previously built areas implying that low-income groups are driven to more disadvantaged locations with time changes. The paper provides a reference for affordable housing planning and transportation planning in future Chinese cities, and also provides social care for the disadvantage people.%职住平衡被新城市主义和精明增长的支持者所倡导,它不仅可以降低小汽车出行,促进城市就业,也关系到社会公平.本文选择北京作为案例,采取网络OD矩阵分析法,以平均通勤时间做测度指标,考察居住在可支付性住房中的低收入群体到商业就业中心的就业可达性.研究发现,采取公交方式付出的通勤时间大约为小汽车通勤方式的2倍,这反映了不同群体的就业可达性确实因交通方式的不同选择而存在差异.从时间变化上看,2004年之后比之前的可支付性住房,无论采取公交还是小汽车出行的平均通勤时间都更长,表明低收入群体在就业可达性上被置于更不利的境地,这将为中国城市未来的可支付性住房布局和交通规划提供借鉴,并进而对城市中弱势群体的居住、就业给予实实在在的关怀.



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