首页> 中文期刊> 《化工学报》 >不同操作模式对移动床生物膜反应器脱氮除磷效果的影响




考察了连续进出水方式(CMBBR)、单级好氧序批式[SBMBBR(O)]和厌氧/好氧序批式[SBMBBR(A/O)]3种操作模式下移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)对模拟污水的处理效果.实验结果表明,3种操作模式下COD去除差异不大,TN、TP去除效果不同.SBMBBR(O)操作模式下由于存在单个周期DO周期性的变化,较CMBBR操作模式更有利于同时硝化反硝化(SND)的发生,脱氮率达到74%.SBMBBR(A/O)操作模式下,进水中的有机物能够在厌氧阶段优先被聚磷菌和反硝化菌消耗,脱氮效果优于SBMBBR(O)操作模式,且能够实现磷的同步脱除,脱氮率和除磷率分别达到了88%和89%,其中,TN是基于进水和搅拌阶段的缺氧反硝化、好氧阶段的SND以及反硝化除磷途径去除,而TP是基于常规除磷过程以及反硝化除磷实现的.%Synthetic wastewater was treated in a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) using different operation modes, namely, continuous oxic operation mode (CMBBR), single stage oxic sequencing batch operation mode [SBMBBR(O)] and anaerobic/oxic sequencing batch operation mode [SBMBBR(A/O)].The experimental results indicated that the removal of COD was similar for the three operation modes,while that of TN and TP was quite different. Compared with CMBBR, SBMBBR(O) operation mode was more favorable for the process of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) due to cyclical change of DO concentration in single period of operation and TN removal efficiency of 74% was achieved. For SBMBBR(A/O) operation mode, organic carbon in influent could be effectively utilized by poly-phosphate-accumulating organisms and denitrifiers, TN and TP could be removed simultaneously and their efficiencies were 88% and 89% respectively, which indicated that TN removal efficiency was better for SBMBBR(A/O) than SBMBBR(O). Removal of TN was accomplished by anoxic denitrification during the fifling and mixing stage, SND and denitrifying phosphorus removal in aerobic stage, white removal of TP was realized through conventional phosphorus removal and denitrifying phosphorus removal processes.



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