首页> 中文期刊>重庆社会科学 >空巢老人的心理健康与生活自理能力调查




Using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), UCLA Loneliness Scale and Activities of Daily Living (ADL), we had done investigation and study about the stratified random extraction of Chongqing Beibei 500 empty-nest elder. After a series of investigation about the demography factors on empty-nest elder's loneliness, depression and self- care ability , the results show that: the rural empty nester depression significantly is greater than the city; Women empty-nest elder feel more loneliness and depression than the men; Along with the age increasing, empty-nest elder's self-ability significantly weakened, loneliness and depression significantly increase; Childless empty-nest elder's self-care ability is greater than who has children's, but, the loneliness and depression are more intense; The higher level of education, loneliness and depression level is lower, but the self-care ability is not significantly influenced.%采用老年人抑郁(GDS)、孤独(UCLA)和日常生活能力(ADL)等量表,对分层随机抽取重庆市北碚区500名空巢老人进行调查研究。考察人口统计学因素对空巢老人孤独、抑郁与生活自理能力影响作用,结果表明:农村空巢老人抑郁显著大于城市;女性空巢老人比男性更抑郁孤独和抑郁;随着年龄增大,空巢老人生活自理能力显著减弱、孤独和抑郁显著增强;无子女空巢老人相对于有子女的生活自理能力更差、孤独和抑郁更强烈;文化程度越高.孤独与抑郁水平越低,但对其生活自理能力影响不显著。



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