首页> 中文期刊>中国医学伦理学 >韩国癌症患者的临终关怀概述




随着韩国老龄化社会的到来,癌症患者不断增加,人们对临终关怀事业的需求也不断增加,目前韩国临终关怀服务主要针对癌症患者.韩国的临终关怀及缓和医疗事业已经经过了30多年的发展历程,近15年来发展得较为迅速.在韩国,目前能提供临终关怀服务的医院共有99家,患者能享受到三种服务类型:住院型、咨询型和家庭型.服务团队包括医师、护士、社会工作者、宗教人士、志愿者等,由5种职业组成一个团队,分别或者交叉提供各项服务给患者及其家属.韩国国立癌症中心设定了"标准教育"以保证服务人员的专业性,有些医院内部或受委托担当服务人员的教育.韩国的临终关怀事业还在发展之中,同时也存在一些问题,需要进一步改善.%With the advent of the aging society, cancer patients are increasing, and the demand for hospice care also increases in South Korea. At present, South Korea hospice and palliative care services mainly focus on cancer patients. South Korea's hospice and palliative care has gone through more than 30 years of development, and has developed rapidly in the past 15 years. At present, there are 99 hospitals providing hospice and palliative care services in South Korea. Patients can enjoy three types of services: inpatient care, counseling care, and home care. The service team consists of 5 departments including doctors, nurses, social workers, religious figures, and volunteers. Each department collaborates with each other as needed to provide services to patients and their families. The Korea National Cancer Center has set up a "standard education" to ensure the professionalism of service personnel. Besides, some hospitals are commissioned by government for training service personnel internally and externally. Hospice care in South Korea is still developing, however, there are also various problems that need to be further improved.



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