首页> 中文期刊>中国医学伦理学 >医务社工介入慢性疼痛患者的三级预防模式探索——以上海市浦东新区公利医院为例




目的 通过医务社工对慢性疼痛患者的介入,运用社会工作的专业理论,为患者提供身、心、灵、社的全人服务.方法 通过对患者及潜在人群开展社区工作、小组工作、个案工作,探索出慢性疼痛患者的三级预防模式,介入其因疼痛所造成的社会心理问题,改善其生活质量.结果 医务社工的介入使慢性疼痛患者存在的心理社会问题得到明显缓解,通过预防模式和社会工作三大方法的有机结合,使服务面扩大,服务效率显著提高.结论 在三级预防理论的指导下,探索出一套介入慢性疼痛患者社会心理健康的模式,对于缓解慢性疼痛患者的社会心理问题具有重要意义.%Otbjective:To provide body-mind-spirit-society holistic services for patients,through medical social workers intervening in chronic pain patients and using the professional theory of social work.Methods:By serving the patients and the potential people with community work,group work and case work,this paper explored the tertiary prevention mode for chronic pain patients,and then to intervene in their social psychosocial problems caused by pain and improve their quality of life.Results:Medical social workers intervening in chronic pain patients'social psychosocial problems made a difference.Through combining the prevention model with the three methods of social work,the service scope was expanded and the effectiveness was improved significantly.Conclusion:Under the guidance of tertiary prevention theory,this paperhas explored a set of models to intervene in chronic pain patients' social psychological health,which is of great significance to mitigate chronic pain patients' social psychological problem.



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