首页> 中文期刊>医疗卫生装备 >WPF技术在医疗数据访问与打印中的应用研究




目的:利用Windows呈现基础(Windows presentation foundation,WPF)技术实现对医学数据的快速访问及美观的报表打印.方法:数据访问采用实体框架(entity framework,EF)将数据库抽象为数据结构,数据表映射为属性.多页打印采用FlowDocumentScrollViewer作为容器,通过块元素Paragraph将不同的内容放在不同的段落中,从而实现多页打印.结果:可以通过WPF技术中的EF大幅度减少程序对数据库的访问频率,提高程序的反应速度.流文档能满足各种用户的需求,实现打印.结论:WPF技术可以大大提高系统的开发效率和人机界面的美观性,可为数字医疗的建设提供相应技术支持,值得在医疗系统或软件开发上推广.%Objective To apply Windows presentation foundation (WPF) to rapid access and report printing of medical data.Methods Data access was realized by abstracting database to form data structure through entity framework (EF) and mapping datasheet as attribute.Multipage printing was executed by using Flow Document Scroll Viewer as the container and putting contents into different paragraphs with the block element.Results EF of WPF decreased the frequency of database access by the program greatly,and the reaction speed of the program was increased significantly.Flow document could be used for data printing.Conclusion WPF enhances the efficiency of system development and the beauty of man-machine interface,and thus is worthy promoting for medical system and software development.



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