首页> 中文期刊>中国园林 >城市公园——城市生物多样性契机——原生乡土植被覆盖城市指导原则




The uniformity of urban environment continuously threatens wildlife habitat and also causes the increasingly poorer urban biodiversity, while urban parks open a window for the improvement of biodiversity under the urbanized environment. The cover of native plants, the diversity of microclimate habitat, the connectivity of water body and the network connection of green space ecological system will significantly improve the biodiversity of urban parks. The planning and design process of urban parks should strictly comply with the principle of biodiversity planning and design and related biodiversity-friendly measures, and focus on long-term development,which should definitely improve the urban habitats and promote the sustainable development of cities.%匀质化的城市化环境不断威胁着野生生物栖息地,同时也造成城市生物多样性的日益贫乏.而城市公园为城市化环境下生物多样性的提高打开了一扇窗.乡土植被的覆盖、小气候生境的多样、水体的连通性以及绿地牛念系统的网络化连接,将会显著改善城市公园的生物多样性.城市公园的规划设计过程中,应严格遵照生物多样性规划设计原则、遵循相关的生物多样性友好措施,着眼于长远,必将能改善生境,促进城市的可持续发展.



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