首页> 中文期刊>中国园林 >绿色街道——道路雨水管理的景观学方法




As a new street rainwater management method, Green Streets has lots of practical application overseas. First, the paper analyzes the problem of street rainwater, and expounds the conception, functions and development history of Green Streets. Second, it introduces the five levels and three steps design process of Green Streets landscape design in detail. Thirdly, it studies the five rainwater management landscape facilities roundly, namely rainwater swales, rainwater planters, rainwater curb extensions, infiltration gardens and pervious paving. At last, it puts forward the seven aspects of rainwater management landscape design details, including rainwater inlets, flow topography, pedestrian circulation, street profile, rainwater overflow, landscape plant materials and substrate culture.%绿色街道作为一种道路雨水管理的景观学方法在国外已经进行了大量实践应用.首先分析了城市道路雨水问题,阐述了绿色街道的概念与实践发展历程;其次提出了绿色街道景观设计包含的5个层次与3个步骤;最后对绿色街道景观设计应用的雨水种植沟、雨水种植池、路牙石扩展池、雨水渗透园与透水性铺装5种基本雨水管理景观设施以及绿色街道景观需要详细设计处理的雨水流入、雨水流落差、街道人行流线、街道雨水流向、雨水溢流、雨水景观植物、植物种植基质7方面内容进行了全面论述.



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