首页> 中文期刊> 《中国妇幼健康研究》 >婴幼儿意外伤害住院病例分析




Objective To analyze the main causes of accidental injuries of infants and young children and to propose some preventive measures.Methods The clinical cases of 283 infants and young children aged 0-3 years were recorded from January 1, 2005 to December 31,2011inQingdaoMunicipalHospital.Theywereadmittedforaccidentalinjuries.Theinjurytype,age,gender,residentialcondition, hospital stay and hospitalization fee were analyzed .Results The main causes of accidental injuries of infants and young children were scald and foreign body in trachea , which accounted for 61.13%and 33.57%, respectively.Accidental injuries often occurred to children aging 13 months to 24 months, accounting 59.63%of all cases.In cases of scald and foreign body in trachea , there were significant differences among different groups except for the group of 0-6 month and the group of 7-12 month ( comparing the children aging 7 months to 12 months with children aging 25-36 months, u value was 3.810 and 4.017, respectively,both P<0.05).Gender ratio of boys to girls was 1.95:1, while significant difference (u value was 3.269 and 4.617, respectively, both P<0.05) was found in cases of scald and foreign body in trachea.The ratio of urban to rural was 115/168 (0.68).Statistical significance (u value was 2.509 and 2.155, respectively, both P<0.05) was found in cases of scald and foreign body in trachea between urban children and rural children .The medical cost was over 20 000 yuan except cases of foreign body in trachea .Conclusion Accidental injuries causes great damage to children and spending to families . Therefore, it is very important to prevent the accidental injuries such as scald , foreign body in trachea and accidental fall .%目的:分析造成婴幼儿意外伤害的主要原因并提出预防措施。方法统计青岛市立医院2005年1月1日至2011年12月31日因意外伤害住院的283例0~3岁婴幼儿病例。按照损伤类型对比构成情况、年龄、性别、城乡分布、住院时间与住院费用。结果造成婴幼儿意外伤害的主要原因为烧烫伤和气管异物,构成比例分别为61.13%和33.57%。意外伤害多发生于13~24月的幼儿,占到全部病例的59.36%,烧烫伤、气管异物两类意外伤害中,除0~6月与7~12月两年龄组比较无统计学意义外,其他各年龄组间比较均有统计学意义(如7~12月与25~36月两年龄段分布比较,u=3.810,P<0.05;u=4.017,P<0.05)。性别分布为男:女为1.95:1,男童与女童在烧烫伤、气管异物两类意外伤害中比较有统计学意义( u=3.269,P<0.05;u =4.617,P<0.05)。城乡分布城市:农村为115:168=0.68,城市患儿与农村患儿在烧烫伤、气管异物两类意外伤害中比较差异有统计学意义( u=2.509,P<0.05;u=2.155,P<0.05)。意外伤害的医疗费用较高,除气管异物外均在20000元以上。结论意外伤害住院儿童损害严重,花费昂贵,增加了儿童家庭的经济负担,因此做好烧烫伤、气管异物、意外坠落等儿童意外伤害的预防工作十分重要。



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