首页> 中文期刊> 《中国组织工程研究》 >中国肝移植后排斥反应研究的发展趋势




BACKGROUND: Patients with end-stage liver disease can be treated through whole liver transplantation or part liver transplantation. With the occurrence of new immunosuppressive drugs, the incidence rate of rejection after liver transplantation is significantly decreased, and the survival rate of patients is improved.rnOBJECTIVE: To analyze the literatures on the rejection after liver transplantation from multi-level aspects.rnMETHODS: A computer-based research was performed on the CNKI database and China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database from January 2002 to December 2011 for the literatures related to rejection after liver transplantation. The key words were "liver transplantation, rejection". The character of the data was analyzed by the analysis capabilities of the database and Excel chart function.rnRESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In the CNKI database from 2002 to 2011, a total of 777 literatures that related to the rejection after liver transplantation were screened out. From the quantitative of the literature, the number of the literature in 2006 reached to peak (110 literatures), and number was in the upward trend before the promulgation of Human Organ Transplant Ordinance in 2007, and then the number of the literature was decreased. There was a large amount of foundation, among the literatures, 210 literatures supported by 39 foundations, the number of provincial funded project was 28 and the number of the foundation from Guangdong province was up to 4. Chinese Journal of Organ Transplantation is the authoritative journal of rejection after liver transplantation in China. The research on the rejection after liver transplantation was mainly depend on the animal experiment of rat, and the research found that the incidence of acute rejection after transplantation is relatively high, and the research on the potent new immunosuppressant was mainly based on tacrolimus. A total of 90 literatures were screened out in the China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database, the number of the literature, subject category, research institutions, key words and the foundation project were similar to those in CNKI database.%背景:终末期肝病患者可以通过移植全部肝脏或部分肝脏来挽救生命,随着新型免疫抑制药物的出现,肝移植后排斥反应的发生率大幅度降低,使患者的生存率得到明显提高.目的:对肝移植后排斥反应研究的文献资料趋势进行多层次探讨分析.方法:以电子检索方式对CNKI数据库学术期刊和博士学位论文数据库2002-01/2011-12收录有关肝移植后排斥反应研究的文献进行分析,采用检索词为"肝移植;排斥反应",应用数据库的分析功能和Excel软件图表的功能分析数据特征.结果与结论:在CNKI数据库学术期刊2002/2011收录的文献中,共检索到777篇与肝移植后排斥反应研究相关的文献,从文献数量上看,2006年的文献数量处于顶峰为110篇,2007年<人体器官移植条例>颁布以前处于上升趋势,到2007年开始略有下降.文献的基金资助项目数量比较多,39个基金资助项目文献共有210篇,省级基金资助项目数量为28个,其中广东省的基金项目最多为4个.<中华器官移植杂志>是中国肝移植后排斥反应研究的权威期刊.肝移植后排斥反应的研究主要以大鼠的动物实验为主,移植后急性排斥反应的发生率比较高,强效的新型免疫抑制剂以他克莫司的研究较多.在博士学位论文数据库中检索到90篇相关文献,文献数量、学科类别、研究机构、关键词和基金资助项目结果与CNKI数据库学术期刊文献结果基本相似.



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