首页> 中文期刊> 《中国组织工程研究》 >IPS e.max Press全瓷冠用于前牙修复:边缘适合度及颜色匹配随访

IPS e.max Press全瓷冠用于前牙修复:边缘适合度及颜色匹配随访



BACKGROUND:IPS e. max Press porcelain crown has been widely used in clinical restoration because of its aesthetic effect and biological properties. OBJECTIVE:To explore the effect of IPS e. max Press porcelain crown in esthetic restoration of anterior teeth in terms of marginal adaptation and color match. METHODS:Total y 52 patients with 138 defective anterior teeth (20 males and 32 females, 18-45 years old, including 62 anterior tooth defects, 46 tooth traumas, 30 denticles) were divided into two groups randomly:treatment group (26 cases) and control group (26 cases) were given IPS e.max Press porcelain crown and conditional Co-Cr al oy handcuffed ceramic crowns, respectively. Al the cases were asked for a second visit in 1 week after restoration, and the integrity of ceramic veneer, marginal adaptation, gingival health and color match were evaluated during 6-month and 2-year fol ow-ups. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The degrees of satisfaction on the color, shape and adaptation in the treatment group were al higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). At 6 months after restoration, the marginal adaptation, gingival health and color match in the treatment group were al better than those in the control group (P<0.05). At 2 years after restoration, there was also a significant difference in the marginal adaptation, gingival health and color match between the two groups (P<0.05). IPS e.max Press porcelain crown has the advantages of aesthetics and biological characteristics, so it can be used as an ideal restoration method for esthetic restoration of anterior teeth.%背景:IPS e.max Press热压铸全瓷以其较好的美观效果和生物学性能已被越来越多地应用于临床修复。目的:分析IPS e.max Press全瓷冠用于前牙美学修复的边缘适合度及颜色匹配等情况。方法:纳入前牙美容修复患者52例(138颗牙),其中男20例,女32例,年龄18-45岁,前牙缺损62颗,牙外伤46颗,畸形小牙30颗,分为2组修复,治疗组(n=26)采用IPS e. max Press全瓷冠和传统钴铬合金烤瓷冠修复,对照组(n=26)采用传统钴铬合金烤瓷冠修复,修复后1周复诊,调查患者满意度;修复后随访6个月、2年,评估修复体完整性、边缘适合度、牙龈健康状况及颜色匹配等情况。结果与结论:修复后1周,治疗组患者对修复体颜色、外形及舒适度方面的满意度显著高于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后6个月,治疗组边缘适合度、牙龈健康状况及颜色匹配显著优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后2年,治疗组边缘适合度、牙龈健康状况及颜色匹配显著优于对照组(P<0.05)。表明IPS e.max Press全瓷冠修复前牙具有良好的边缘适合度、牙龈健康状况及颜色匹配等生物学特性,患者满意度高。



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