首页> 中文期刊>中国社会医学杂志 >DOTS策略下深圳市宝安区结核病人发现及管理效果分析




目的 对深圳市宝安区结核病人发现及管理效果进行分析,以提高结核病人的发现及管理工作.方法 采用描述性统计分析方法,对深圳市宝安区结核病管治情况登记表、结核病管理专报系统信息等资料进行分析.结果 肺结核患者发现率大幅上升,复治涂阳病人比例逐年增大;疑似病人主要来自街道医院;追踪未到位病例逐年下降,未到位的原因主要为转诊后直接离开,比例呈上升趋势,无法联系的患者比例呈逐年下降趋势;初治涂阳和复治涂阳治愈率由高到低的人口分别是:户籍人口、流动未转出人口、流动转出人口,且差异有统计学意义;初诊患者到位率高于复诊患者(Z=1.972,P<0.05);辖区医院归口转诊率达99.81%,病人无出院带药现象.结论 宝安区结核病发现工作成效显著;追踪病人的工作落实基本到位;户籍人口结核病治愈率高于流动人口;跨区域管理效果欠佳;宝安区结核病防治工作有进一步提升的空间,完善后其模式值得推广.%Objectives To analyze the situation of TB case detection and management in Bao'an district, summarize experience and provide advice to improve the detection and management of TB cases. Methods descriptive statistical method was applied to analyze the data of TB case registration and management from TB registration tables and TB management information system. Results TB case detection rate and the rate of the proportion of retreated smear~positive were rising year by year, the suspect TB patients were mostly from street hospitals, the rate of unarrival cases after tracing have declined, the major reasons for unarrival was left directly after referral, and the rate of this reason was rising, the proportion not being able to contact patients decreased, the cure rates of the groups of new smear positive and retreated smear positive arranged in descent order were: census registered population, unmoved~out of the floating population, moved~out of the floating population, and the statistical differences were significant. The arrival rate of new patients exceeded retreated ones' (Z= 1.972 ,P<0.05) ,district hospital’s referral rate was 99.81%, patients discharged without medicine. Conclusions The situation of TB case detection and tracing were effective in Bao'an district. The cure rate of census registered population was higher than the floating population, the effectiveness of cross area case management was not good enough. The Bao'an district TB control work still has much space to improve and the work pattern should be popularized after adjusting.



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