首页> 中文期刊> 《中国社会医学杂志》 >我国医疗保险标准化建设现状及建议




There are many problems of medical insurance standardization in China including the lack of system projects in country level, the confusion between medical insurance standards and other service standards, unaware-ness of the importance of the standardization, the lack of guarantee in organization, skill and funds, the limit in standardization studies, the loss of draft and advertise in local standards. In order to solve them, we should strengthen the country's abilities of design in medical insurance standardization construction, put the standardization works in a right way, pay more attention to the design of standardization, enhance the organization, skill and funds support, increase the studies about the standards design and deploy the policy of medical insurance standardization.%我国医疗保险标准化建设存在缺乏国家层面的系统规划,标准化定位不清,对标准化的重要性认识不足,缺乏组织、技术和经费保障,标准化理论研究相对落后,地方标准的制定和宣贯不到位等问题.建议加强医疗保险标准化建设的顶层设计,明确医疗保险标准化工作的定位,提高对医疗保险标准化工作的重视,加强医疗保险标准化组织保障、经费保障和技术保障支撑,加强医疗保险标准化理论研究,部署医疗保险标准化试点和推广.



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