首页> 中文期刊> 《中国舰船研究》 >平台固定式水成膜泡沫灭火系统消防安全试验与评估




为应对船舶直升机起降平台所发生的火灾,一般设置有泡沫枪灭火系统。为更加高效地扑灭起降平台所发生的较大火灾,提出了设置甲板平台固定式水成膜泡沫喷洒灭火系统(AFFF)的设计思想,并通过一系列的灭火试验来验证该系统灭火的有效性。针对不同的油池面积、喷头数量和喷射压力,以及灭火过程是否存在遮挡等状态,共进行了10次灭火试验。根据试验测量数据,从灭火与控火时间,以及灭火过程中火场热辐射变化等方面对甲板平台固定式 AFFF 的灭火效能进行评估,讨论系统压力、流量及喷头数量对控火时间的影响。试验和分析结果表明,甲板平台 AFFF 对于发生在直升机甲板平台的无遮挡大型池式火灾具有较好的灭火效能,其在大型船舶和海洋石油钻井平台的直升机起降甲板上也有较好的应用前景。%  The AFFF gun system is usually employed in response to extinguish fire in ship helicopter plat⁃forms. To suppress the fire more effectively and efficiently,this paper proposes an improved AFFF spray system,which shall be validated via a series of fire extinguishing experiments under different pool areas, nozzle numbers,spray pressure,and occlusion status. A total of ten experiments are conducted. Based on the fire suppression/fire control time and flame radiation flux,the effectiveness and efficiency of the pre⁃sented AFFF spray system in fire extinguishment are evaluated,and the specific influences of changing ex⁃perimental parameters are analyzed. The results indicate that the improved AFFF spray system is capable of extinguishing fire with large pool area in helicopter platforms,which reveals its good application outlook on large ships and offshore structures.



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