首页> 中文期刊>中华整形外科杂志 >三平面法隆乳术在乳房萎缩伴下垂矫正术中的应用



Objective To investigate the application of combining mastopexy and triple-plane breast augmentation in correction of breast ptosis and atrophy.Methods Peri-areolar incision was performed to finish the fascia and dermal suspension to correct the breast ptosis.The implant was inserted under the pectoralis major muscle through lateral lower border of the gland and a "X" shape full thickness incision was made on the pectoralis major muscle according to the new position of nipple-areolar complex.Results 14 patients received combined mastopexy and triple-plane breast augmentation to correct breast atrophy and mastopexy simultaneously.All the patients were regularly followed for 6-12 months.No patients suffered severe complication and the results were satisfied.Conclusions "Triple-plane" breast augmentation could be safely performed with peri-areolar mastopexy with minor injury.The technique could help to ensure the balance between the gland,nipple-areolar complex and the implant.%目的 探讨应用胸大肌后放置假体,并于胸大肌中央部位切开,形成假体表面胸肌-腺体-胸肌三平面覆盖的方法,矫正乳房萎缩伴下垂的效果.方法 选择环乳晕切口,进行乳房上象限腺体表面分离及真皮帽折叠固定.再由乳腺外下象限边缘进入乳房后间隙,于新的乳头、乳晕水平将胸大肌横行及纵行部分离断,将假体植入胸大肌后.于术前及术后对乳房各解剖径线进行标准化测量.结果 2011年6 ~12月,应用上述方法行乳房上提联合隆乳手术14例,患者术后乳房上极形态、乳房凸度及乳头、乳晕位置均得到了明显改善,且无严重并发症发生.术后随访6~12个月,乳房形态良好.结论 三平面法能够在不离断胸大肌起点及止点的情况下,保证假体在乳头、乳晕水平良好的凸度,避免了乳房下垂联合隆乳手术时易发生的双泡畸形或阶梯现象,且损伤较小.



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