首页> 中文期刊> 《中华小儿外科杂志》 >儿童尿石透射电镜的初步观察



本文将11例儿童术后的尿石在2700~6000倍透射电镜下观察,根据摄象影象将尿石分为致密型板状结构、致密型粒状结构、疏松型混合结构、杂乱型晶状结构.提出了除原始核心以外还存在有多个卫星型核心的观点,指出尿石的疏密程度除与尿液的化学成分有关外,还与其吸附的能量有关.%Urinary stones in eleven children were studied by transmission electron microscope.rnThe location and the physical characters of the stones were described. The method of ex-amination and photographing of the stones under a 2700~6000 times transmission electron microscope was introduced. According to the supersubtle structure, the stones can be classified as compact slab structure, compact granular structure, loose mix structure, jumble crystalline structure, etc.,Putting froward a new argument, the authors found many satellite nucleis besides the main nucleus of the sione The density of the stone depends upon the chemical composition and the absorption power.



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